Description: Whenever there is a new update to an order, Nhat Tin system will automatically send the update to the partner's system via a URL (callback link) that the partner has provided to Nhat Tin technician.
API Configuration
HTTP Request
No. | Parameter | Type | Require | Mô tả |
1 | bill_no | String | Bill of Nhat Tin | |
2 | ref_code | String | Customer's Reference Code - might be Invoice No or Purchase Order No | |
3 | status_id | Number | Refer to Master Data | |
4 | status_name | String | Refer to Master Data | |
5 | status_time | int | Time of status change | |
6 | push_time | int | Time to push to partner | |
7 | shipping_fee | Double | Shipping fee | |
8 | is_partial | int | Partial of delivery. 1: yes, 0: no | |
9 | reason | String | The reason if have from Nhat Tin | |
10 | weight | Double | The weight of Packages (kg) | |
11 | dimension_weight | Double | The dimension weight of packages | |
12 | length | Double | The length of packages (cm) | |
13 | width | Double | The width weight of packages (cm) | |
14 | height | Double | The height weight of packages (cm) | |
15 | expected_at | String | The expectation date (format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" - 2024-08-01 12:20:00) |
"weight": 2,
"bill_no": "CP16658276R",
"status_time": 1681382601,
"shipping_fee": 38610,
"is_partial": 1,
"status_name": "Đã lấy hàng",
"status_id": 3,
"length": 1,
"width": 1,
"height": 1,
"dimension_weight": 1,
"push_time": 1681382738,
"ref_code": "40724974",
"expected_at":"2024-08-02 09:00:00"